Nice post on voice for strays about supreme court order on Jallikattu Judgement: When the Supreme Court of India declared the rights of animals to be an issue of “Seminal Importance” (Part I) The Supreme Court of India pronounced a landmark judgment in the matter titled “Animal Welfare Board of India Versus A. Nagaraja & Ors.”, and allied appeals and petitions, on the 7th of May, … Continue reading Nice post on voice for strays about supreme court order on Jallikattu

Biased moronic article on Hindustan Times If stray dogs are intruding into every nook and corner of human habitation and biting kids, their free-ranging counterparts are roaming the jungles and killing the young of mammals and ground-nesting birds. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX If you argue that this is what they normally do, then stop putting food stations, picking up puppies and saving them … Continue reading Biased moronic article on Hindustan Times

Pintu recovering from brutal shooting, police case in process. recovering from brutal shooting, police case in process. by ADMIN on MAY 21, 2014 Pintu was the victim of a brutal shooting on 13th May 2014 in which two other peacefully sleeping community dogs were killed by a retired army major. Village boys rushed Pintu to Animal Aid where we immediately began treating him for shock. … Continue reading Pintu recovering from brutal shooting, police case in process.