Dear friends,

Earlier this month, very tragically, the body of a little boy was found dumped in Yelanka in Bangalore, India. The local media, without conducting even a semblance of what could be considered adequate investigative reporting, without even waiting for the results of the post-mortem, rushed to judgment and claimed the boy to have been killed by “stray dogs” — this in spite of several key facts that make it impossible for free-roaming community dogs to have been the culprits. The news reports were sensationalistic and highly irresponsible — precisely the kind of reporting that risks inciting people to kill free-roaming community dogs en masse.
Bangalore has been the scene of horrific, bloody pogroms against thousands of innocent dogs in the recent past. The Bangalore media appears to be attempting to incite a repeat of that carnage. Further, the little boy, the son of poor migrant laborers from Bihar, and his family deserve the dignity of a proper investigation, and due process — both in the media and in the justice system.
We have posted an online petition calling for responsible, professional reporting on the issue, and calling for a judicial inquiry into the tragic event so that the facts can be accurately established. The petition, once signed by at least 2,000 people, will be presented to the head editors of the relevant Bangalore media houses.
Please join me in calling for professional reporting standards and a judicial inquiry into this incident by signing your name to this petition:
Thanks very much for your support.
Best regards,
Lisa Warden
PS. Please note, this is not a “radical” petition by “rage-driven zealots”! We have taken great care in the wording and articulation of our message and are simply calling for the media to stick by the standards to which it should already be adhering. Further, the issue at stake here is not restricted to animal advocacy, by any means. This little boy and his family have been treated with callous disregard by the media and the justice system. I urge you to sign this petition, wherever in the world this email finds you, and to forward it to your contacts as numbers WILL make a difference. Thanks!
Please sign this petition – this is not from some faceless NGO – this is from me and some of my friends and we will pursue this to its logical end

Results of dog culling in bangaloreThe Bangalore press went to town about a story of dogs mauling a child on 1 July 2011. This investigation was the job of the police and the journalists before they put out the story, but no-one was int erested in putting any sweat behind it. Some of my friends and I have actually investigated (on location) and found facts to be on the contrary.

If you are to believe the press:

  • A 20kg dog (wt of a stray dog) has carried an 18kg boy
  • Between 700mts to 1.8KMs in about an hour
  • While the police and father were looking for him! No sound ,no bark ,no cries!
These are only a few holes in the reporting – a white-paper with data and evidence of what happened is going to be released later this week by the same group of people who bring this petition.

The hysteria this generates can be see in the widespread roundup of dogs. Hysteria against dogs

  • In the quest to ‘Clean the streets of Stray dogs’ the Municipal departments (BBMP) and so called ‘NGO’s (who are actually paid by BBMP for each dog capture and ‘release’ ), thousands of dogs are being captured and put down. In a small area around my house there are about 50 dogs in 7 packs that are missing.
  • In 2007 there was mass illegal culling on similar grounds against Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, The Criminal Prc Code and the basic Duties of an Indian Citizen enshrined in the Constitutions of India.
  • See for yourself what this hysteria is creating and capable of creating – I am sure you do not want to be a part of it.
BBMP’s job is to keep the city clean – dogs are scavengers it is the garbage that these dogs eat – why doesn’t BBMP stick to that brief well? There is about 2400 tonnes of organic waste uncollected everyday in Bangalore alone.

WHO guidelines are very clear on what is the most effective way of controlling population control (ABC) which has led to 0% rabies in many cities including Jaipur, Chennai, Gangtok etc.

Bangalore is been a peaceful place where humans and animals can co-exist. It doesn’t have to be a choice, and it doesn’t have to be like this. Please sign this petition now – /820/petition-to-bangalore-ind?ia-based-press-media/


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