UPDATE: I just got a call from Indu Gupta – someone managed to catch the dog and remove his tape! Indu saw him outside her door, and has given him milk and bread with some glucose. I’ve told her to alert us immediately, if there seems to be any medical issue with him – we’ll have that attended to. Thought I must tell everybody the moment I got to know – we’ve all been upset and very concerned.

Now let’s see if we can find out who did it.




Dear Madhu, Rishi, Sonya, Amritika, Smita, Anjali and Vasudha,
I cant think up of anyone else besides you guys to help Prabha Jaganathan a reputed scribe with the Times of India who approached me with this issue. Remember she was great help during the CWG crisis. Herself an avid animal lover and great sympathiser, she has a peculiar but extremely worrisome situation at hand.
One of the dogs she feeds and tends to in Sun City Indirapuram has been subjected to a particularly sadist and inhuman form of cruelty – an insulation tape has been wound round the poor boy’s mouth many times over and this is the fifth day running. The bruised soul is in dire straits trying to rid himself from the strangulated hold of the tape on its mouth so that it may eat or drink but to no avail. Prabha herself tried to catch him and do the needful but got hurt in the process. I tried to solicit help from Friendicoes and so did Prabha yesterday but it is not forthcoming yet.
Request kindly use your good offices with Friendicoes or any other NGO that can help alleviate the misery of the poor dog urgently. The No of Prabha Jaganathan is 9990429969      9990429969     also tends to this dog is available on 9811902252               9811902252     . Time is of essence and I hope one amongst you is able to reach out and make the ultimate difference to this boy’s fate now hanging in precarious balance. God will bless you.
Regards and Thanks,

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