This is an emergency for a girl who watched a pregnant bitch run over by a vehicle in Hyderabad. She has been trying to find help but NO ONE has helped her. The accident happened at 4:30 pm and she was directed to Blue Cross Society, who on the phone asked her to bring the dog to them. This girl is a stranger there and when she reached there with much difficulty all drenched in the poor dogs blood, they refused her in and asked to bring the dog the next day.


If anyone knows anyone there who can locate a vet for her then please call me now. or send me an sms at 9868881566. alternatively send an sms to Kanishka Sharma at 9818887373, who is in touch with the girl.
This is barbaric. Animal welfare people in this city suck. I am shocked.
Please help!

Rishi Dev,

Citizens For Animal Rights (CFAR),
New Delhi.

Dear friends,

I want to thank Lisa, Anajli, Vasudha, Punith and others who were prompt in helping me and Kanishka with some numbers. But unfortunately it was too late for the dog. She just passed away and so did her unborn puppies.
I hope the animal activists of Hyderabad rot, who kept this girl dangling from one place to another and eventually switched off their phones. I want to ask AWBI to ask Blue Cross Society, why should they continue to run as an NGO, when they can be barbaric enough to refuse to treat a dog which was in such a critical state. This was especially when some people & the Blue Cross themselves asked her to take the dog there. Were they kidding with her? She wasted so much time trying to seek help from them and reach them in person, who eventually turned her away.
This is murder by Blue Cross and nothing more. And it is shocking to know how the activists there are so busy with this and that, so they don’t have time to help a dying dog with puppies in her stomach.
The people should know that animal activism in India is filled with such crap and hypocrites.
Shame on their lives !

Rishi Dev,

Citizens For Animal Rights (CFAR),
New Delhi.


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